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Valev Laube – Brand manager & designer

A New York-based brand manager and designer, Valev Laube is bringing innovative entrepreneurial thinking into brand marketing and design. A world citizen, who has lived in three countries worked in even more, is bringing together his digital media and graphic design background with online strategizing, and anthropological research to create brands and social media promotional campaigns that go beyond simply advertising and marketing.

He’s an enthusiastic creative mind whose digital designs have been the cornerstone of many New York-based festivals, events, company brands, and personal online presences. In his recent interview to Crystal Ra Laksmi he commented his work process as working towards finding a way to the heart of a particular targeted community, “[Approaching promotion as purely business] is not what builds relationships or facilitates good ideas. To me, an idea is not worth a million dollars, it’s worth the heart of a million people.” His design and online promotional tactics use holistic design and idea representation to engage with various audiences in their most familiar form.

Laube is currently in the final phase of finishing up some masterful projects such as a branding and web design project for an internationally renowned pianist Tian Jiang, branding and marketing for a New York-based musical production Kalevala the Musical, brand management and design for a short film “Wildflower”, marketing and consultation for an Augmented Reality art exhibition “Rochester Subway”, and web design and development for Esto-Atlantis Concert at the Lincoln Center.



“Building empathy and connectivity in visual communication is all about finding compromises between what people know and can relate to, and the story I’m trying to tell. One doesn’t exist in a vacuum from the other, they overlap and resonate.” – Explained Laube his philosophy of design in Metanoia magazine’s feature article in December 2017.

To find more information about this incredibly creative artist, designer, marketing and digital media expert, check out his social media accounts or visit



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