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Interview with Mr Gentleman Carpenter | Author of Business & Pleasure “Have Your Cake And Eat It Too”

Interview with Mr Gentleman Carpenter | Author of Business & Pleasure “Have Your Cake And Eat It Too”

US Mag Club: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education, writing passion etc. ??

I’m just a small town country guy from the south. I am a retired military warrant officer, who has always had a passion for writing and speaking to crowds. I have a degree in teaching.

US Mag Club: We been hearing a lot about you so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?

Feels like I can make a difference in my community now that I have gain some Notoriety.

US Mag Club: Great, Can you please tell us more about your book?

My passion for this book came from my highs and lows of learning how to work with my partner and spouse Ms Reah. We learned through our mistakes and research. Now I can teach so many other young entrepreneurs and couples how to make this dream a reality.

US Mag Club: Why do you choose this topic for your Book?

I personally know people who have struggled mixing business and pleasure. However me and my wife are navigating the dynamic pretty well. So I wanted to share what’s worked and even what hasn’t worked with couples, partners and significant others all over the world.

US Mag Club: As an writer, what has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far ?

Being able to get my message out to the world and motivating those around me.

US Mag Club: Nice, Any upcoming book?

The #girldad series is about the highs and lows of being a girl dad and all the things that dads do to make their little girls happy.

US Mag Club: Okay, Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?

Dates with my wife and spending time with my three little daughters. It relaxes my mind to be around my family. Plus they deserve it “remember you only get to do this thing called life once”.

US Mag Club: Where do you see yourself after 10 years?

Running for mayor hahaha just kidding I want to be a active pillar in my community.

US Mag Club: Your favorite Book?

The Quantum and the lotus.

US Mag Club: How can people find you and follow you online?

Twitter and Instagram@call_chief_carpenter or on Facebook @ Michae’l Carpenter

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