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Timothy Turner talks about his acting passion, in candid interview

Timothy Turner talks about his acting passion in candid interview

US Mag: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education etc. ??

I recently got my AA degree from community college. What I am planning on doing is working temporarily and saving up some money so I can finally start my acting career.

US Mag: Can you please tell our readers about your acting passion ?

I have had my passion since I was a kid. But I did not pursue it because I had other priorities that I needed to work on like finishing school and working on myself as a person. My last few quarters of college was when I started taking drama courses so I could start building experience. It’s not much now but it’s a start.

US Mag: Your favourite actor/actress?

Jackie Chan.

US Mag: What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far?

Participating in a play at my community college before graduating.

US Mag: What’s your goal in life you want to achieve next?

Get my first acting role. Hopefully sign with an agent when I get that opportunity.

US Mag: What motivates you to do your best work?

Knowing that I need to provide for myself and family. Doing something that I would enjoy doing for the majority of my life.

US Mag: Did you choose this industry, as a career, or as a hobby?

As a career.

US Mag: Your fav. Quote?

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life” – Steve Jobs

US Mag: Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?

Relax at home, watch videos or movies.

US Mag: How can people find you and follow you online?

They can look up ‘Timothy Turner’ once I get my first acting credits on IMDb.

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