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A Great Conversation with A Multi Talented Artist B Way J

A Great Conversation with A Multi Talented Artist Joel B

US Mag : Briefly, Let’s talk a bit about you & your music ?

Sure why not my music is like life each song relates to someone’s life experiences, meaning i have party songs, deep songs, trap, strip club songs, etc… I’m a different type of artist i then most people are used to.



US Mag : What are you working on now ?

I’m working on dropping my mixtape, album, new video coming soon etc….i’m also building my website and building my relationships with the world and helping out anyone who reaches.



US Mag : At what point you decide to become an music artist ?

Early in my childhood my father (RIP) was in the church choir he was the only bass for the choir his voice was soo deep and he loved music which is why it’s in my veins.



US Mag : Who are your musical inspirations ?

Currently I’m feeling Kendrick, J Cole, Rick Ross, & Joey BadAss to name a few.



US Mag : As a multi talented artist, what genre do you enjoyed most ?

Hip Hop, I love soo many it’s impossible to name only one.



US Mag : What motivates you to do your best work as music artist ?

When I hear a new song and it doesn’t sound like all the others and it’s still fire!


A Great Conversation with A Multi Talented Artist Joel B



US Mag : If you could do a track with anyone in the world, who would it have to be?

I would love to do a track with Adele.



US Mag : Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time ?

I play hard just came back from Barbados kicked some sand around had a little RnR it was a blast.



US Mag : How can people find you online and get updates about your music ?

Currently i’m fin up the website thanks to

Currently you can get updates from the links below i thank everyone from the center of my CHI and promised to create music that is timeless. Peace!


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