US Mag : We been hearing a lot about your EDM duo, so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel ?
It is awesome to hear all the support from every places in the world specially edm lovers so we feel so happy and thank GOD for that.
US Mag : Please tell us more about your first official independent release “With you” ?
’With you” is the expression of our collaboration we wanted to create passion wit love in a same track and that why we reached the number 1 in electro house chart on spinning record.
US Mag : What motivates you to do your best work ?
Passion is the main key and Anfisa always bring that energy to create great music.
US Mag : What kind of training have you had, if any ?
We use to have resident job in china for me and Japan Korea and china also for her so that a lot of experience.
US Mag : What are your future plans ? Your vision for the coming years.
We are working in a new project and preparing a Russian and Malaysia tour.
US Mag : If you could perform anywhere, in the world, where would it have to be ?
US Mag : Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time ?
Food , football and I love to make by myself some special food.
US Mag : Are you active on social media? what’s the best way to follow you ?
Just follow me on Instagram: