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A ‘Geeky’ Conversation With TG2M and Teen Trep.Co Founder : KayeCee Austin

A ‘Geeky’ Conversation With TG2M and Teen Trep.Co Founder : KayeCee

KayeCee Austin has been known world-wide as the Founder and Creator of the teen and young adult technology company and social platform, Teen Trep.Co for the last two and a half years.

Her newest venture, Talk Geeky 2 Me (TG2M) seems to be geared towards an older audience so we’re pretty excited to hear all about it.

So what exactly is TG2M?

TG2M is an All-In-One Conversation & Relationship Platform equipping its members with the curated lifestyle, relationship and business content necessary to assist them in becoming all around better human beings for themselves and those around them.

TG2M in many ways is vastly different from your last company but it still has the entrepreneurship and business flavor to it. There is no doubt that those are your areas of expertise. However, what inspired you to delve more into the personal side of business?

Working with many entrepreneurs and business professionals, one of the things that we are learning now is that there really isn’t a line between our personal and business lives. That used to be the misconception. Many of our personal matters bleed into our business lives and vice versa and dependent on the situation, when we attempt to separate them- we find that it’s just not reasonable.

Many business professionals attempt to separate who they are in a business setting from their ‘’personal side’’ and are finding out years down the road that something inside them died the day they did this. We’re also finding that the most successful companies are those with a company culture that allows its employees to bring who they truly are to the table on a daily basis.

TG2M was created to spread this way of thinking on a world-wide scale!

Want to learn more? Check out TG2M at www.TalkGeeky2Me.Co or www.TG2M.Co and make sure to subscribe to their FREE newsletter.

A ‘Geeky’ Conversation With TG2M and Teen Trep.Co Founder : KayeCee

Follow KayeCee Austin and her Team On Social Media:

Instagram: @talkgeeky2Me10

Pinterest: @talkgeeky2Me


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